

The responsibility for the  education system  in  Germany  lies primarily with the  states  ( Länder ), while the federal government plays a minor role. Optional  Kindergarten  ( nursery school ) education is provided for all children between one and six years old, after which school attendance is  compulsory . [1]  The system varies throughout Germany because each state ( Land ) decides its own educational policies. Most children, however, first attend Grundschule from the age of six to eleven. German  secondary education  includes five types of school. The  Gymnasium  is designed to prepare pupils for higher education and finishes with the final examination  Abitur , after grade 12 or 13. The  Realschule  has a broader range of emphasis for intermediate pupils and finishes with the final examination  Mittlere Reife , after grade 10; the  Hauptschule  prepares pupils for vocational education and finishes with the final examination  Hauptschulabschluss , after grade 9 and the  Reals